Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hot and Sunny

Looking Up

The kids started back to school yesterday. 

This is the what the weather's like today, after a very wet summer.


  1. This is a striking image! Yes, the sky is scuddered with cloud but it still looks blue and sunny. And, but of course, it would be like that on the first day of school!

    Is this a green house? Or a rotunda? Maybe and extremely large umbrella ...

  2. It looks likea conservatory roof, but the is no hint of grass. It's a very curious image.

  3. Good guesses!

    The photo was taken looking up through a round metal gazebo on my back porch - the kind you can put a canvas covering on.

  4. Oh, ideal to sit in surrounded by growing things and sleeping cats, sipping coffee and reading caustic opinion pieces in the weekend papers!


Well hello there! What do you think?